Welcome to the home of teacher and practitioner, Katrina Chester and Zooming in the Lens courses and Podcasts.
As a spiritual practitioner and teacher, Katrina’s gifts lie in creating down-to-earth talking, living & breathing experiences. Using personalized applications of, but not limited to, Yogic spirituality, eastern philosophies and thought, a chosen religion, and ancient wisdom and text. With no agenda, she meets you where you are in the important journey toward experiencing from the skillful action of curiosity. Katrina is passionate that there is an art to discovery and she holds her own practice of that as a priority, in order to arrive to learn from you as well. There are many ways to join Katrina. For those able, as her schedule allows Katrina’s mainstays are one-on-one private practice in her Los Angeles studio and the numerous students from around the world who practice with her using on-line webcams. For group practices with Katrina, the “Zooming in the Lens on-line courses“ which is about to embark on its 4th season, is perfect for those with no experience to advanced. Lastly, there are FREE audio Podcasts for everyone via Itunes, when you download the “podcast app” for your IOS device. For all the details on each way to connect with Katrina, see the above TABS! Thank you for your time. And if this inquiry is for you or for someone you love, curiosity got you this far, I bet you it can carry you more than you even imagine.
…with Katrina Chester of FYO

Photo: Katrina Chester, photo credit: John Phaneuf
In 2015 we had 3 amazing groups complete a month practice with Katrina & ZITL – we want to thank them for being a part of our Family! We are forming new groups now – CLICK HERE for more info
♣ZITL is a priceless experience! If you’re looking to nurture your self-awareness, listen to your heart, and accept the gift of Katrina’s invitation to journey with her, you won’t regret it!” Bryan Clark, Mindset coach “The Work” of Byron Katie

live skype with ZITL
♣I have been a student of Katrina’s in both semi-group class and private class environments for over a year, and can safely say there is nothing quite like her style of teaching. She is a fluid blend of many types of practitioners…Everything she teaches is yoga, and yet you may never realize it. The reason is that she is incredibly adept at intuitively knowing how to translate the broader scope and intricacies of yoga in a way that is meaningful to each student. Julia, (Media)
♣About ZITL…
The foundation for this personal guided course is inspired by the work of my main teacher, Ram Dass. Once studying from Ram Dass my heart opened to many teachers who contributed to delivering me daily, like a newborn to each moment; Alan Watts and Carl Jung to The Buddha, Jesus, Rumi… Once there is a crack in the exterior identity, everyone becomes your teacher. In fact, Ram Dass has many spiritual friends who have become my teachers and all of them influence my practice like tributaries flowing into the one great body of wisdom from which I draw for my own learning. I was always interested in diverse concepts of spirituality, but to be honest, I found them to be elusive and esoteric for my practical mind. Until the day, someone introduced me to the teachings of Ram Dass. It met me where I was, blew me wide open and changed my life forever. My encounter with his work is a real-life example of “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.” The inspiration for Zooming in the Lens, is to share that opportunity, to be meet you where you are, to offer up myself as a bridge to personal self-inquiry through our online, live Satsang. My own practice is our time together with ZITL and I am honestly humbled to share in yours. ♣Katrina Chester
Links ~ The full description of “Zooming in the Lens” online course ~ Get to know Katrina, read her published articles – click here
“In my mind being honest with oneself and having the courage for self-reflection are the foundations for any potential evolvement of a human being.

Ram Dass
Katrina, through her work with Ram Dass and other esteemed teachers, really does represent these spiritual values. This enables her to share these teachings in a very personal, practical and mindful way. And through this caring style, her students have really been able to transform their lives.”
Raghu Markus, Executive Director of Ram Dass Love Serve Remember Foundation
~One-on-one private practice, in person and webcam~
To connect with Katrina we encourage you to check out all the other pages available here on FYO! If would like more information to start a practice with Katrina, please click here and submit the information requested. Everything shared is kept in strict confidence and all communications of a sensitive nature are addressed personally, by Katrina. Please allow 2-3 days for a reply although it may be sooner. ~who knows where curiosity will take you next, it did get you here! ~ (general questions, click here)
Listen to Ram Dass on, The Witness….
Ω with loving gratefulness for my teacher and Maharaji…Katrina
©Functional Yoga Online.com