
Ep. 30 – “Role of Man”

village elder, initiation from boy to man

village elder, initiation from boy to man

Do we truly see men today? Do men today see themselves? Are man in THIER truth, or is the pull too strong to be sociates man, informing what they should and shouldn’t be? The village mentality for the most part has slipped away in our culture and was replaced with an experience in isolation since the industrial revolution took elder men from the home to work (or nearby). Without these seen and unseen male initiations at the forefront, what is rising a boy to become a man? It may be youtube and corporations raising men today. Related or not, do men today cultivate and pass on the conscious male relationship? The work of Robert Bly claims that men in our culture suffer from this lack, by unconsciously carrying and passing on a “deep shock.” In episode 30, hear from two men (Tommy Stewart and Adam Elzarou) who join Katrina to ponder how men today are supposed to learn to be men. Is today’s man thriving or struggleing from lack of village elders? “Something has to die to be born and what will have to die is the boy.”

Intro voice is the late Mr. Robert Bly – To hear the lecture referenced in this episode go to / Music and editing by Ian Hatton –

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Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep. 30 - “Role of Man”

Imprecise storytelling – “kids say the most ****** ** things” w/ Frog 11-yrs old

WARNING: Have you SPOKEN to an 11-year old boy in 2016? If not, you may want to skip the first 20 minutes! Our guest is 11-yr old “FROG” again, who first assumes the role of shock-jock, dropping bombs on sex, suicide, porn and some curse words (trust me, his parents are taking care of it!) Nevertheless, things HAVE changed since we wereimprecise storytelling kids! This is our version of “Kids say the most ****** ** things!”
Frog has great parents but does struggle with labels like ADHD and behavioral issues. Just as we picked our jaw off the floor, this wise and curious, existential FROG appeared…grab your sense of humor and a notepad as this 11-year old, explains “how life is a mystery – God gives us a choice at the end of life to be a ghost or reincarnate (did you know being a ghost is an actual JOB?) He ponders death, mediums – “coincidence or connected?” How “God is in EVERYTHING,” and “what if Jesus isn’t God’s son but just a really nice guy in a long white robe?” He shares how ”Life is a game and death is an amazing thing, I can’t wait to see everybody”… okay, enough teasers ya’ll. Get off social media right now and step into the curious mind of the philosopher, FROG.

Music and editing by Ian Hatton – / Support Zooming in the Lens Podcast now by listening, subscribing and SHARING with friends on your wall –  / /  / /

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Imprecise storytelling – "kids say the most ****** ** things" w/ Frog 11-yrs old

Imprecise storytelling – “God might have ADHD” by Frog Pellegrino (11-yrs old)

Get ready to hear parenting advice from an 11-year old – Donovan “Frog” Pellegrino is his name! Frog was labeled early on with ADHD and behavioral issues. imprecise storytellingWe are all aware there is no handbook for parenting. Even if there were, I wouldn’t follow it. We each express differently  in life, with and without diagnosed issues. Each physiological model can show us what it’s “like” to have these labels but we may also feel separeted from others. Perhaps if we look at diagnosis from the lens of “what it’s like” and not “what it IS,” we can create some space for parents to guide each child & not the statistic. Most of the accountings frog will share are not totally accurate (lol) – he has very loving parents – but this opportunity to practice was a gift to us. It was remarkable to witness a child who is given the opportunity to feel seen and heard. We learned a lot and are recording another one too! Questions for Frog? Send them ASAP to ! Thank you frogs mom, and to frog for allowing this recording to take place. /  / /  / /



Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Imprecise storytelling - "God might have ADHD" by Frog Pellegrino (11-yrs old)

Imprecise storytelling series – Fear 6/28/16


Impromptu on FEAR  Presented by ZITL podcast with Olivia May (me) and my teacher, Katrina Chester. Imprecise storytelling is a metaphor – we all think we know who we are. And then we share “who we are” with those around us. But what if we are more? or Less? what if beliefs cloud “what is” – what if they stop the curiosity to explore? just imagine, if in doing that, we are our own imprecise storytellers……I’ll take off my judgement hat if you take of yours.


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Imprecise storytelling series - Fear 6/28/16

Ep.29 *Part 2 – Earth creature in its natural habitat (Tommy Stewart)

Part 2 ~ Tommy is a yogi in practice as most of us participating and listening are too. Tommy spent his life as a recording and touring drummer in bands with enough success to pack arena’s in and out of the U.S. Presently, he zooms his passions into another arena, turning him on for over 30 years – personal training with his company “Functional Body Movement”. Being a personal trainer, these topics may appear slightly out of the norm – that is if you’re on board with mainstream prevailing societal definitions of the words “health” and “conscious.” Health conscious people don’t normally ponder and chat about drugs, legalization, and investigation through experience. Or do they?

Visit with Katrina and Tommy as they continue their chat and discuss how neuroscience has identified some powerful medical uses of psychedelics, and a personal story Tommy shares of his experience with the “ritual” of DMT. The title of this episode inspired by the TV show “The Twilight Zone.” Cultivating the witness feels like activating a loving presence to self-questioning, to ask ”who in us is doing the seeking” and in regards to this topic, perhaps… “who in us is using the drug.”

The title of this episode is inspired by an episode of “The Twilight Zone.” Cultivating the witness feels like activating a loving presence for self-questioning as the twilight zone ep. reminded us ”who in us is doing the seeking” -regarding this topic, “who in us is using the drug.” Anotherwards, what is the intention behind the use.

CREDITS ~ intro and outro includes public access audio of an amazing lecture on this topic, of the amazing Timothy Leary. Thank you for giving Katrina words that match her intentions to use these podcasts as her personal practice. 
~ Music and editing by Emmy Nominated composer, Ian ~To subscribe & be alerted of new ZITL episodes, use this subscribe link Questions and ideas for topic encouraged –
All the ways to visit us:website – Facebook –  instagram @  youtube –

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.29 *Part 2 - Earth creature in its natural habitat (Tommy Stewart)

Ep.28 – Earth creature in its natural habitat, guest Tommy Stewart, Part 1

Part 1 ~ Tommy is a yogi in practice as most of us participating and listening are too. Tommy spent his life as a recording and touring drummer in bands with enough success to pack arena’s in and out of the U.S. Presently, he has been targeting his passions in another arena, turning him on for over 30 years – personal training. Being a personal trainer, these topics may appear slightly out of the norm. “Health conscious” people don’t normally ponder and chat about drugs, legalization, and investigation through experience (that is if you’re on board with mainstream prevailing societal definitions of the words “health” and “conscious.”) Visit with Katrina and her beloved as they chat about making high school bathrooms unisex, acceptance, guiding children and secret messages sent by over-protection, neuroscience identifying some powerful medical uses of psychedelics, and Tommy’s personal story of his experience in the ritual use of DMT. This title is inspired by an episode of the TV show “The Twilight Zone.” Cultivating the witness feels like activating a loving presence for self-questioning, like ”who in us is doing the seeking” and in regards to this topic, perhaps… “who in us is using the drug.”  Part 2 will be released ahead of time! Subscribe to be alerted in real-time. (at 7:16 minutes some alien force from the twilight zone invaded this audio. Goes away in a few seconds. Apologies.)

CREDITS ~ intro audio includes the voice of the amazing Timothy Leary. Thank you for giving Katrina words that match her intentions to use these podcasts as her personal practice. ~ ending audio includes the voice of James Hillman, a brilliant man. 

                 ~ Music and editing by Emmy Nominated composer, Ian Hatton - ~                To subscribe & be alerted of new ZITL episodes, use this subscribe link ~
Questions and ideas for topic encouraged -
All the ways to visit us: instagram @ /
Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.28 - Earth creature in its natural habitat, guest Tommy Stewart, Part 1
part of ZITL Podcast

Imprecise storytelling series 1b (5/19/16)

(Part 2) Hi, I’m Olivia May, here with my teacher, friend, and boss, Katrina Chester as we press RECORD at WORK in our studio – welcome to Imprecise storytelling. On an average day at work, so many teachings appear, showing us how limiting the stories of ourselves are! Are we more or less than our stories? What if belief in these stories cloud “what is” – does it stop curiosity, to explore? If you think you know everything….you MIGHT be your own imprecise storyteller. Subscribe to this series and ZITL main podcast and automatically be alerted to every episode released.

With Olivia May & Katrina Chester of and Zooming in the Lens courses and podcasts. Music and editing by Ian Hatton of FACEBOOK ©

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Imprecise storytelling series 1b (5/19/16)
part of ZITL Podcast

Imprecise storytelling series- 1a (5/12/16)

Hi, I’m Olivia May, here with my teacher, friend, and boss, Katrina Chester as we press RECORD at WORK in our studio – welcome to Imprecise storytelling. On an average day at work, so many teachings appear, showing us how limiting the stories of ourselves are! Are we more or less than our stories? What if belief in these stories cloud “what is” – does it stop curiosity, to explore? If you think you know everything….you MIGHT be your own imprecise storyteller.                                               Subscribe to this series and ZITL main podcast and automatically be alerted to every episode released.      

  With Olivia May & Katrina Chester of and Zooming in the Lens courses and podcasts. Music and editing by Ian Hatton of ©


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Imprecise storytelling series- 1a (5/12/16)

Ep. 27 – A Passover talk with Aunt Shirley

A Marathon With Katrina Chester & Cara Albero. Cara in NY joins Katrina in LA for an impromptu practice! Aren’t those the best though? With Passover honored this week, the topic of family naturally arrived. Cara shares her recent practice moment involving her mom and her aunt Shirley related to relationships and the navigation of practice when reactions of obligation and guilt arrive. Katrina shares her beginner amazement after diving into one of the five books of Moses (Exodus) from the Jewish Bible. “I am so honored that now I can open up to ancient wisdom from many religious teachings. Way more than I was exposed to growing up, and once only seen through my individual lens of limits. Please pardon my naive, but heartfelt, interpretation fueled by excitement of the symbology of another profound living, breathing road map” As Ram Dass might say “an accomplishment for an Italian girl from NY” – Maybe someday we can live in a world where all, no matter what Religion, what is heard in “Good Pesach” is a message of compassion for one another because we have all felt “passed over” or a lack of Freedom, from something at some point in each of our lives.” ~ Katrina Chester

~ Apologies for the length! Maybe listen in parts! Good thing Passover IS a week long 😉 ~ ~ Music and editing: Ian Hatton

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep. 27 - A Passover talk with Aunt Shirley

Ep. 26 – Part 2 “Because Love shouldn’t have Red Tape” with guest, Hank Fortener

Hank is not your average Pastor. In these episodes, many topics are sparked which at the core can inspire us to widen our lens by looking underneath what we think we know, and who we think we and others are. The growing popular term “spiritual but not religious” is a clue of imbalance and our separation. With direct experience & opening to alternative perspectives, personally and collectively, change can occur. It takes enormous energy to push beliefs and agendas. By sharing and learning from one another, energy springs free to create inner-vision – an ability to interpret belief as a taste of what something is like, rather than what it is. Symbols and metaphors come alive; deeper meanings become a golden thread of intention. “Being stuck” in belief is a human problem, not a soul problem. ZITL comes together for all the spiritual and religious minded, for discoveries that can open us to learn from one another. Practicing awareness and personal responsibility is a vehicle for change.

We are honored Hank joined us for this hang! See the huge efforts of service and change Hank and his family have created by going to, And don’t forget to learn more about how YOU can participate in World Adoption Day on Nov. 9th! 

Katrina Chester can be found on and Thank you to Ian Hatton from for editing and music / Want to practice with Katrina & a small online group made FOR you? Sign up to be alerted of the next ZITL Online course @

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep. 26 - Part 2 "Because Love shouldn't have Red Tape" with guest, Hank Fortener