Joining Katrina today is Cara Evans discussing a deep desire for us as humans to separate. Seperate people, knowledge, ourselves into “this is ME at work, this is ME at home” etc., Right before our eyes the big topics teach us how separation leads us further into sleep leaving ONE option being right and making another wrong. That isn’t practicing – that is a belief, a role and pretty much all we know out of the box. How could we bridge a gap for a wider vision of who WE are with myopic glasses covering the many perceptions? One common barrier for a lot of us is when we label ourselves as “a more scientific minded person” verse ” a spiritually minded person”. Science for example and their primary practice for studying anything is the investigation. Their pattern in which to do this and the pattern for self-study are very much connected in that they are both gathering information about the object. For people, if we are busy being “us”, the object (and if a practice is done from that part of us) we leave no space in which to take in all angles and perceptions. That would literally be like a scientist cutting slivers of their own skin, muscles, ligaments, tendons and bone off, putting it under the microscope, and looking through. Eventually, you’ll bleed out. Not very functional. Self-awareness develops the view of ourselves as both subject and object, as does science with ‘specimen and scientist’, and for self-study it’s like being in two places at the same time. We are discussing the similarities of scientific approaches of investigation and our self as both subject and object for our own investigation. So what are the rules of the game of incarnation? I think it’s one way of describing what a spiritual practice IS – noticing what our individual and collective rules are; what are the properties of the specimen?
GREAT NEWS —Ram Dass and Katrina from FYO are busy creating group #3 of Zooming in the Lens online course which will start Oct 29th on Skype, for an online, guided practice with 5-10 hand-picked people from all over the world. An intense, yet down-to-earth; meeting of spirit and mind, supporting and grounding for you to take off from any level, at any degree. For more info log onto Registration opens Oct 5th, 2015 on
Thank you to Ian Hatton from for editing and music of this podcast. For show ideas, topics or questions write to