Hank is not your average Pastor. In these episodes, many topics are sparked which at the core can inspire us to widen our lens by looking underneath what we think we know, and who we think we and others are. The growing popular term “spiritual but not religious” is a clue of imbalance and our separation. With direct experience & opening to alternative perspectives, personally and collectively, change can occur. It takes enormous energy to push beliefs and agendas. By sharing and learning from one another, energy springs free to create inner-vision – an ability to interpret belief as a taste of what something is like, rather than what it is. Symbols and metaphors come alive; deeper meanings become a golden thread of intention. “Being stuck” in belief is a human problem, not a soul problem. ZITL comes together for all the spiritual and religious minded, for discoveries that can open us to learn from one another. Practicing awareness and personal responsibility is a vehicle for change.
We are honored Hank joined us for this hang! See the huge efforts of service and change Hank and his family have created by going to www.AdoptTogether.org, And don’t forget to learn more about how YOU can participate in World Adoption Day on Nov. 9th!
Katrina Chester can be found on www.FunctionalYogaOnline.com and www.Facebook.com/FunctionalYoga Thank you to Ian Hatton from Mixforpix.com for editing and music / Want to practice with Katrina & a small online group made FOR you? Sign up to be alerted of the next ZITL Online course @ FunctionalYogaOnline.com/online-course/