Ep. 27 – A Passover talk with Aunt Shirley

A Marathon With Katrina Chester & Cara Albero. Cara in NY joins Katrina in LA for an impromptu practice! Aren’t those the best though? With Passover honored this week, the topic of family naturally arrived. Cara shares her recent practice moment involving her mom and her aunt Shirley related to relationships and the navigation of practice when reactions of obligation and guilt arrive. Katrina shares her beginner amazement after diving into one of the five books of Moses (Exodus) from the Jewish Bible. “I am so honored that now I can open up to ancient wisdom from many religious teachings. Way more than I was exposed to growing up, and once only seen through my individual lens of limits. Please pardon my naive, but heartfelt, interpretation fueled by excitement of the symbology of another profound living, breathing road map” As Ram Dass might say “an accomplishment for an Italian girl from NY” – Maybe someday we can live in a world where all, no matter what Religion, what is heard in “Good Pesach” is a message of compassion for one another because we have all felt “passed over” or a lack of Freedom, from something at some point in each of our lives.” ~ Katrina Chester

~ Apologies for the length! Maybe listen in parts! Good thing Passover IS a week long 😉 ~

www.FunctionalYogaOnline.com ~ Music and editing: Ian Hatton

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep. 27 - A Passover talk with Aunt Shirley

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