(Part 2) Hi, I’m Olivia May, here with my teacher, friend, and boss, Katrina Chester as we press RECORD at WORK in our studio – welcome to Imprecise storytelling. On an average day at work, so many teachings appear, showing us how limiting the stories of ourselves are! Are we more or less than our stories? What if belief in these stories cloud “what is” – does it stop curiosity, to explore? If you think you know everything….you MIGHT be your own imprecise storyteller. Subscribe to this series and ZITL main podcast and automatically be alerted to every episode released.
With Olivia May & Katrina Chester of FunctionalYogaOnline.com and Zooming in the Lens courses and podcasts. Music and editing by Ian Hatton of Mixforpix.com. FACEBOOK ©FunctionalYogaOnline.com/ZITLCourse@gmail.com