Ep.11 -Can I surrender-to-surrender? 1 of 1000 episodes ;)

Using a recent health experience, Katrina tells a story she hasn’t even shared yet with many close to her yet is inspired by the support of co-host Sass to practice vulnerability and use this moment to try something different. Sass’s wisdom of the many avenues in which we can surrender creates this “podcast practice”. This is what I think we have grown to love about these girls; one holds space (in this instance, that’s surrender) while the other one dances in the maze of their current life circumstances. Katrina apologizes for the highjack! That’s what being vulnerable may look like sometimes. Nothing like a good health scare to bing out the ‘stories’ in the mind! Thank you for supporting ZITL podcast and please subscribe and share with those friends who may like this too!

For more info on ZITL online course go to Ramdass.org/zooming

Music and editing by Ian Hatton at mixforpix.com


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.11 -Can I surrender-to-surrender? 1 of 1000 episodes 😉

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