Ep. 21 “Thanksgiving with no agenda” special episode for the holidays
Cara Evans and Katrina Chester have a free form talk with no agenda. What came out are survival skills & tools for the holidays when being with family and friends trigger us. Two friends using a podcast as their spiritual practice, shifting perceptions, using awareness, sharing their suffering and grace. Happy holidays everyone…THE best & hardest material in practice 😯 Listen to the end so you can hear Reggie Ray (Buddhist teacher) giving you a tool for the holidays too!
ZITL Podcast is grateful for
• Ram Dass and Maharaji – Neem Karoli Baba
• All of you spiritual seekers arriving so open and curious, who understand ZITL has no agenda or financial gain within all it takes to put this podcast together. The gain is in being vulnerable to take on a practice of putting yourself out there on a podcast, going into the scary parts the mind is taught to avoid. May that inspire others to let go of waiting to be perfect. There is a hole in western spiritual practice – everyone seems to appear “knowing” and through that lens we dig ourselves deeper into procrastination. “If dialog existed in my early practice days, like this, I would have had more awareness of what I put into my head and that it only has to come out. Yoga is a shedding, not a taking on of more and more. We entertain the mind with the hopes of softening the defenses we have built up against being in the now, being love. I am thankful for those receiving ZITL as just that because its a good start in all of us receiving ourselves and others that way too. ” Katrina Chester
• Ian Hatton ( www.ianhatton.com) who provides all the music and editing for ZITL
For more information…
ZITL Course: Skype online course with 5-10 hand-picked people from all over the world. See FunctionalYogaOnline.com and RamDass.org/zooming.
*For show ideas, topics or questions write to ZITL@gmail.com
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