Spacesuit = Our roles and models in life, our external bodies, our personalities, who we think we are. “When I, like you, was born I donned a space suit for living on this planet, it was this body, this is my space suit, and it had a steering mechanism which is my pre-frontal lobe and all the brain that helps with coordinating and stuff…and we learn how to grab things and lift things…you get rewarded when you learn how to use your spacesuit. And you get really good at it. You get so good at it that you can’t differentiate yourself from your spacesuit anymore… and you’re constantly looking into other people’s eyes to find out if you’re really wearing a nice spacesuit…” Ram Dass (
Join Katrina and guest Bryan Clark (MA, Mindset Coach and Client Experience Expert for Conscious Entrepreneurs) in a candid talk about the struggles in life as we adjust our spacesuits that culture, family, friends, peers, and beliefs systems rely on. Our mind says we are different but our souls have no differences. It reports how alone we are, yet the soul is never lonely, even in a crowded room. Bryan shares his experiences growing up in religion, coming out as a gay teenager, family reactions and his own, and how reactions fed into adulthood personally and professionally. He shares this and more in a two-part episode leading to his deep inspiration and life’s work as a practitioner of inquiry, spirituality and his success helping others. In Bryan’s words “IGNITE Your Passion – SHINE your Unique Brilliance – LEAD with Love!” We are honored to share space with Bryan!
Note: This podcast was recorded in Dec. 2015 and released in March 2016. Notes changes in the intro dialog, please. Ending lecture is public license youtube audio from an Oprah Winfrey TV episode
Get FREE Resources to Awaken and Inspire Your Unique Brilliance! with Bryan Clark:
Katrina and “Zooming in the Lens online course” can be found at and
Music and editing by Ian Hatton at