Hank Fortener – TedX, Adopttogether.org, World Adoption Day-Nov 9, Christian Pastor, joins Katrina for an open, organic chat. But Hank is not your average Pastor. He captures even the non-religious when he shares from his inspiring & up-to-date lens, as you may simultaneously find yourself wanting to share a beer with the guy. Katrina and Hank share in their desire to create talking & living experiences on topics of spirituality, religion, ancient wisdom and texts, not clouded by dogma or pushing it away – instead rooted in the art of discovery and sharing, as they are always learning and practicing, too.
In Part-One, Hank shares some stories which inspired the creation of Adopttogether.org ~ the first crowdfunding site for adoption. Katrina and Hank discuss relationships/marriage, religion and spirit, the importance of personal values (inspiration), and how doing good doesn’t always feel good during. These episodes spark many topics, which at the core, can inspire to widen the lens of practice by also looking underneath what we think we know.
We are so happy to be able to air these talks and are honored Hank gave us his time. Please follow these hyperlinks for more information on Hank; upcoming book; recorded talks including a Ted TV-www.HankFortener.com- Hanks podcast on Itunes: typically-hazardous-w.-hank if you are in Los Angeles – attend his live podcast recording events! For more information on Adoption, I encourage you to go to Adopt Together.org, And don’t forget to learn more on how YOU can participate in World Adoption Day on Nov. 9th! Stay tuned for Part-Two coming soon! Subscribe to ZITL Podcast to be alerted! Katrina Chester can be found on www.FunctionalYogaOnline.com and www.Facebook.com/FunctionalYoga – Thank you to Ian Hatton from Mixforpix.com for editing and music