
Ep.15 “lets get small, average, and great”

Katrina Chester is joined by fellow spiritualist and dear friend, Cara Albero, for this episode diving into a well-known quote for discovery. A practice of seeing, through investigation, how pliable and fluid a belief, opinion, and interpretation, really are when clinging is softened. When we experience thoughts that seem to be so solid; becoming fluid (like changing our mind), that creates safe space. Not to throwing out roles in life,  unless that indeed happens – but to develop a new relationship to our roles, and how we may be holding others in theirs. Creating relationship (conscious awareness; taking requires a giving back) is one gift a spiritual practice (yoga, martial arts, doing the dishes!) gives back to us. Thank you for your patience with episode 15 too! Lots of shifts, lots of time for practice and change. We are right there with those of you listening that are knee deep in yours as well. with love to those we get to share with, thank you for the continued practice.

GREAT NEWSRam Dass and Katrina from FYO are busy creating group #3 of Zooming in the Lens online course which will start Oct 29th on Skype, for an online, guided practice with 5-10 hand-picked people from all over the world. An intense, yet down-to-earth; meeting of spirit and mind, supporting and grounding for you to take off from any level, at any degree. For more info log onto Registration opens Oct 5th, 2015 on This will be a course in honor of Katrina’s teacher, Ram Dass and Maharaji (Neem Karoli Baba), with suggested donations. Serious seekers only please. Join the past ZITL students at Registering is a process to make this personal for each attendee. We imagine these spots will go fast so mark in your calendars Oct 5th to register. Youtube videos will be released soon with behind the scene footage of ZITL! Sign up to receive alerts at or FB. Thank you to Ian Hatton from for editing and music of this podcast; engineer, score writer, producer, guitar player, composer of a #1 hit – we are truly blessed for his time on our little practice endeavor. And most grateful for you. Namaste everybody!

For show ideas, topics or questions write to
Instagram - follow us for updates on everything!
Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.15 "lets get small, average, and great"

Ep.14 – That “Don’t-know mind” Part 1- Love

The unproven, unexplainable, and indescribable series. Part 1 – LOVE

What is the don’t-know mind, also known as the beginners mind? Why would I want to NOT know something? An important element in growing emotionally and spiritually is curiosity-like when we were children!  That drive diminishes when we think we know-it-all. And, even if you did – know-it-all – ancient spiritual traditions share that the drive to tell everybody diminishes as well – unless asked. Rena Joy and Cara Evans join Katrina for to discuss… the cultural norm valuing knowledge, titles, degree’s, scientific studies, and as a participant, Katrina shares her personal importance in practising balance so knowledge doesn’t substitute our own personal experience. Culturally in this age, we want to PROVE everything, yet many things in the human experience are unexplainable. In many way’s love is indescribable, maybe even unproven. Rena and Cara share some other cultural views on love,  as well as an astrological (another unproven technique) tool everyone can use! Thank you for subscribing to Zooming in the Lens Podcast! This is a juicy one!

Special guest links: Rena Joy – for more info on Rena, Cara Evans –

To request a show topic or for questions, email Olivia for Katrina at For information about a course in practical tools given by Katrina, hosted by Ram Dass, click here. For Katrina and Functional Yoga-click here (the blog on this site is where you will find the studies cited and the poetry read during this podcast)

Music and editing by Ian Hatton – click here for more info

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.14 - That "Don't-know mind" Part 1- Love

Ep.13 – Eating an elephant with a plastic fork w/ guests Rena Joy & Cara Evans

A special podcast recorded on Guru Purnima…a beautiful Hindu holiday honoring your teachers. Katrina shares two very special people: Rena Joy- over 50 years of practice and currently 71 years old, Rena is an author, astrologer, spiritual counselor, and psycic. Rena lived through the psychedelic era and shares a deep gratitude with Katrina for Ram Dass. Rena attended many of the RD lectures your hearing on the net. Her fervor for self-study includes-her roots in Judaism, to Buddhism, Shamanism, and Wiccan. Her daughter Cara Evans joins us through conversations of “growing up Rena”, as Cara shares her mother’s drive- of self-study, playing, and telling it like it is. Cara is Katrina’s best friend, a sister, and the most loving soul who is able to reach Katrina’s heart in a way no one can. Coming to us from NY, via skype, Rena and Cara are two of Katrina’s oldest and dearest spiritual friends. The three let you in on their conversations of tripping, bending that wire of rules,  “how do astrology and psychic readings fit into self-study? Do you have to believe there is a future for Rena to be able to read your tarot cards? When you gather is a group to speak of your teachers it holds a lot of power and today they honor many but especially Ram Dass who’s had a life-changing effect in all of their lives. May we all open enough to see the many, many teachers living right under our nose. Jai Maharaji (Neem Karoli Baba), Namaste, Blessed be

Rena Joy @ to purchase her latest book “There are no secrets” -the rantings and ravings of the irreverent reverend $15.00 plus S&H. private skype, phone reading or counseling available – say “Katrina sent me”. Warning – Rena is booked out far in advance so get the request in soon to be called if a cancelation occurs. Inquiries for Cara may be sent to Rena Joy Facebook Page

Music and Editing by Ian Hatton – -Contact Katrina and ZITL online course presented by Ram Dass and Katrina Chester @  Functional Yoga Online and


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.13 - Eating an elephant with a plastic fork w/ guests Rena Joy & Cara Evans

Ep.12 – Late night Yoga -Special Guests!

One late night in southern California, 4 close friends grabbed a mic and hit record. Three of these friends toured together for many years as musicians in rock and roll traveling the world. Four of them are yogis, questioners of reality and hold dear the belief in not taking yourself or life too seriously. Why is this being published? Because the yoga of real life is lived in the spaces, in the times where maybe we’re not ‘ready’- vulnerable perhaps but real. In honor of their practice these four talk of their experience in the music industry, creativity, Ashtanga, being scared, favorite quotes, guru’s and much more. If we all wait for a yogi to appear, we miss the ‘late-night’ magic of the yoga that’s already here. With loving grace, Zooming in the Lens is happy to welcome Tommy Stewart, Pete Murrey, Rina Murrey and Katrina Chester. Thank you to dear friends for being willing to let us practice on-mic.  Jai Jai!!

Music and editing by Ian Hatton at; For more info on the online course presented by Ram Dass and Katrina Chester go to; to sign

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.12 - Late night Yoga -Special Guests!

Ep.11 -Can I surrender-to-surrender? 1 of 1000 episodes ;)

Using a recent health experience, Katrina tells a story she hasn’t even shared yet with many close to her yet is inspired by the support of co-host Sass to practice vulnerability and use this moment to try something different. Sass’s wisdom of the many avenues in which we can surrender creates this “podcast practice”. This is what I think we have grown to love about these girls; one holds space (in this instance, that’s surrender) while the other one dances in the maze of their current life circumstances. Katrina apologizes for the highjack! That’s what being vulnerable may look like sometimes. Nothing like a good health scare to bing out the ‘stories’ in the mind! Thank you for supporting ZITL podcast and please subscribe and share with those friends who may like this too!

For more info on ZITL online course go to

Music and editing by Ian Hatton at


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.11 -Can I surrender-to-surrender? 1 of 1000 episodes 😉

Ep.10 – The (swiss) exploration

Self-exploration and exploration takes curiosity. What are some things we would be missing out on in life if curiosity didn’t ignite exploration? How do you explore in a healthy & spiritual way? The girls chat about some funny explorations and many other things in Podcast #10 – The swiss exploration! Don’t forget to listen to the end…Thanks for tuning in  and please send topic ideas and questions to For information about joining a new online course presented by Ram Dass and Katrina Chester of functional yoga go to: “Zooming in the Lens” online course

For more info: and / Music and editing by: Ian Hatton – / Hosts: Sass Jordan and Katrina Chester

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.10 - The (swiss) exploration

Ep.9 “Using Ritual as Practice”

The girls get into a discussion about using rituals as practice in our daily lives. What IS the big hang up of some about rituals anyway? In todays world, the word “rituals” may conjure up thoughts of religion, a cult, or descriptions like hippie dippy. But rituals are already used in cultures big and small! Check out athletes for example…before a game most report they have to make time for their good luck ritual; performers and artists have their rituals before a show, writing or painting – so when looking at everyday daily life as practice, we can zoom in the lens to uncover how “habits” can be looked at as rituals without consciousness. Add consciousness to the habit, stir gentle… and rituals can bring many things to our personal practice table. Things like discipline, individual expression, and checking “in” with ourselves more then checking “out”. As Timothy Leary once said “Turn on, tune in, drop out”. Always with love and intentions to expand…thank you for tuning in to ZITL Podcast. for more info on the new online course presented by Ram Dass ( Katrina Chester – online community with guidence for the practice of waking up in daily life. Personalized for each participant within a specific like-minded group allowing each person the experience of a one-to-one practice within a small, hand selected group.

Music & editing for Zooming in the Lens Podcast is written and provided by Ian Hatton-

Hosts: Sass Jordan and Katrina Chester (


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.9 "Using Ritual as Practice"

Ep.8 “Demonics of life”

Meet Joseph Campbell, who starts the girls off today. For those who don’t know Joseph, he is a powerful, very knowledgable mythologist and philosopher. The title of this episode comes from this audio explanation your about to hear for where the root of the word “demon” comes from. It will blow your mind! Sass and Katrina naturally flow from there in the usefulness of different interpretations in our daily life & practice, moving into what “holding space” for ourself and others means. Within what we think is the search of who and what we are; the deeper connection begins. We are mostly taught to reach outward to seek; that begins an unfolding too, revealing that it has been an “inside job” all along. What if there is no “right or wrong”? Wouldn’t it be powerful if other peoples negative opinions of us could be interpreted in a way to serve us? Make sure you stay tuned till the end – no cure like the cure of laughter 😉 And join the conversation by submitting your thoughts on our blog or via, or on Facebook! We would love to hear from you with topic suggestions. Hope you enjoy this episode and thank you for supporting us!

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.8 "Demonics of life"

Ep. 7 “married to the mind”

Sit in on the juicy talks into our unknown commitment when not questioning our monkey-mind. We may not even notice our thoughts or the results that may bring to us, personally. Listening to the mind without questioning with awareness and self inquiry, brings up dynamic conversation into personal responsibility, the benefits to cultivating back our imagination, play, and living presently v living from memories informing our present-mind. Join the girls for their personal tools used to investigate a loving and amicable…separation to the mind – or as, creating “space” within the mind. Apologies for Katrina sounding like “the voice of God” in this episode, which is due to a recording issue known as “not shutting off the reverb!” One of these days they will record a flawless sounding episode for Ian to edit but until then, thank you for your patience – “this isn’t easy stuff to navigate through ;)”

Hosts: Katrina Chester & Sass Jordan,, …com/functionalyoga/ Online course:

Music and editing: Ian Hatton –


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep. 7 "married to the mind"

Ep.6 “In through the out-door”

The girls riff on some technological advances, and scientific ‘hopes’ inching closer and closer to results in the human quest for immortality, halting ageing, and pain reduction. How could this play-out in the human experience? With “in through the out-door”, translations ensue relating to -birth and death -personal responsibility -blaming -cultural conditioning and how these topics can uncover individual road maps for us all. All benefit from enquiry and self-discoveries of where in life we may be ‘asleep’ and ‘awake’. What does ‘in through the out-door” have to do with any of this? Tune in and find out! What if going toward the “out-door” IS life? Join Sass and Kat as they take a roller coaster ride through the fun park of modern day mindlessness.

Hosts- Katrina Chester * Sass Jordan, music and editing by Ian Hatton-,,,

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.6 "In through the out-door"