In episode #5 Katrina and Sass play with all the different perceptions (including their own differences) of large and small topics which can help to understand why we may have some blocks to hearing new perceptions. Katrina shares a funny story about how she was “caught” in her ego-mind in traffic – all work and no play makes Katrina a psycho. “What does God mean to you?” is a question Katrina has asked some listeners & she shares their varying perceptions. Also joining them around the 1/2 way point of this episode is guest Tommy Stewart to share his story of perception on the road as the drummer for Godsmack. We all get “caught”, even people who practice for many years – its not about being perfect, instead these practices are about adding consciousness, awareness and cultivating the witness so you can use it AS practice. (Apologies for Katrina’s sound this episode) Hosts- Katrina Chester * Sass Jordan, music and editing by Ian,,,
In the 4th episode of Zooming in the Lens, Katrina and Sass share stories of mind-chatter and offer some tools to witness the inner dialogue rather then become it. And as usual, the girls are laughing at themselves and each other, as they open to everyone as a practice. The ego-mind….”all retch and no vomit”. What a great disguse our beautiful minds can be!
Ep. 3 – Sass and Katrina share their stories and insights into some of the esoteric language they encountered when dipping into a western spiritual practice. Depending on where we come from of course, sometimes the language alone can feel like a shut-off valve for acceptance and understandings we may otherwise get. In the end, maybe sharing the humor of our differences can open up pathways in ourselves to encourage translations personal for each of us. Apologies for the occastional sound shift on Sass’ mic-we are aware.
…is a saying for “time to go to work”! Who doesn’t want the ability to do what they love for work/career, but what if you don’t know what you love? Sass and Katrina explore this topic, as it leads to some meatier thoughts on “intentions, motivations and beliefs” through their lens of practice. Is it better to grow up knowing or is it better to not know? One says “maybe yes”- one says “maybe not”! From tour buses to ashrams – with a lot of laughter – welcome to the 2nd episode of Zooming in the Lens.
Katrina and Sass talk about their lives in the music industry, and briefly about the path that lead them here. Revealing yourself through music IS surrendering into the heart; two humbling adventures they share. But its wasn’t in the plan to switch gears, at least not from the model of who they thought they were. These two tackle episodes-one topics with the humor, love, the real and down-to-earth energy their friendship is known for. If you are interested in spirituality, yet haven’t been able to resonate with the mainstream approach, get to know Katrina and Sass here in the raw for Episode One.