Tag Archives: itunes

Ep.10 – The (swiss) exploration

Self-exploration and exploration takes curiosity. What are some things we would be missing out on in life if curiosity didn’t ignite exploration? How do you explore in a healthy & spiritual way? The girls chat about some funny explorations and many other things in Podcast #10 – The swiss exploration! Don’t forget to listen to the end…Thanks for tuning in  and please send topic ideas and questions to zitlcourse@gmail.com. For information about joining a new online course presented by Ram Dass and Katrina Chester of functional yoga go to: RamDass.org/zooming “Zooming in the Lens” online course

For more info: www.functionalyogaonline.com and www.facebook.com/functionalyoga / Music and editing by: Ian Hatton – www.micsforpix.com / Hosts: Sass Jordan and Katrina Chester

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.10 - The (swiss) exploration

Ep. 7 “married to the mind”

Sit in on the juicy talks into our unknown commitment when not questioning our monkey-mind. We may not even notice our thoughts or the results that may bring to us, personally. Listening to the mind without questioning with awareness and self inquiry, brings up dynamic conversation into personal responsibility, the benefits to cultivating back our imagination, play, and living presently v living from memories informing our present-mind. Join the girls for their personal tools used to investigate a loving and amicable…separation to the mind – or as, creating “space” within the mind. Apologies for Katrina sounding like “the voice of God” in this episode, which is due to a recording issue known as “not shutting off the reverb!” One of these days they will record a flawless sounding episode for Ian to edit but until then, thank you for your patience – “this isn’t easy stuff to navigate through ;)”

Hosts: Katrina Chester & Sass Jordan www.functionalyogaonline.com, www.facebook.com/katrinachester, …com/functionalyoga/ Online course: www.ramdass.org/zooming

Music and editing: Ian Hatton – www.mixforpix.com


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep. 7 "married to the mind"

Ep. 2 “Time to make the donuts”

…is a saying for “time to go to work”! Who doesn’t want the ability to do what they love for work/career, but what if you don’t know what you love? Sass and Katrina explore  this topic, as it leads to some meatier thoughts on “intentions, motivations and beliefs” through their lens of practice. Is it better to grow up knowing or is it better to not know? One says “maybe yes”- one says “maybe not”! From tour buses to ashrams – with a lot of laughter – welcome to the 2nd episode of Zooming in the Lens.

(Episode 2)

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep. 2 "Time to make the donuts"