Tag Archives: Knee

Ep.14 – That “Don’t-know mind” Part 1- Love

The unproven, unexplainable, and indescribable series. Part 1 – LOVE

What is the don’t-know mind, also known as the beginners mind? Why would I want to NOT know something? An important element in growing emotionally and spiritually is curiosity-like when we were children!  That drive diminishes when we think we know-it-all. And, even if you did – know-it-all – ancient spiritual traditions share that the drive to tell everybody diminishes as well – unless asked. Rena Joy and Cara Evans join Katrina for to discuss… the cultural norm valuing knowledge, titles, degree’s, scientific studies, and as a participant, Katrina shares her personal importance in practising balance so knowledge doesn’t substitute our own personal experience. Culturally in this age, we want to PROVE everything, yet many things in the human experience are unexplainable. In many way’s love is indescribable, maybe even unproven. Rena and Cara share some other cultural views on love,  as well as an astrological (another unproven technique) tool everyone can use! Thank you for subscribing to Zooming in the Lens Podcast! This is a juicy one!

Special guest links: Rena Joy – for more info on Rena, Cara Evans – Zitlcourse@gmail.com

To request a show topic or for questions, email Olivia for Katrina at Zitlcourse@gmail.com For information about a course in practical tools given by Katrina, hosted by Ram Dass, click here. For Katrina and Functional Yoga-click here (the blog on this site is where you will find the studies cited and the poetry read during this podcast)

Music and editing by Ian Hatton – click here for more info

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.14 - That "Don't-know mind" Part 1- Love