Tag Archives: Ram Dass

Ep.15 “lets get small, average, and great”

Katrina Chester is joined by fellow spiritualist and dear friend, Cara Albero, for this episode diving into a well-known quote for discovery. A practice of seeing, through investigation, how pliable and fluid a belief, opinion, and interpretation, really are when clinging is softened. When we experience thoughts that seem to be so solid; becoming fluid (like changing our mind), that creates safe space. Not to throwing out roles in life,  unless that indeed happens – but to develop a new relationship to our roles, and how we may be holding others in theirs. Creating relationship (conscious awareness; taking requires a giving back) is one gift a spiritual practice (yoga, martial arts, doing the dishes!) gives back to us. Thank you for your patience with episode 15 too! Lots of shifts, lots of time for practice and change. We are right there with those of you listening that are knee deep in yours as well. with love to those we get to share with, thank you for the continued practice.

GREAT NEWSRam Dass and Katrina from FYO are busy creating group #3 of Zooming in the Lens online course which will start Oct 29th on Skype, for an online, guided practice with 5-10 hand-picked people from all over the world. An intense, yet down-to-earth; meeting of spirit and mind, supporting and grounding for you to take off from any level, at any degree. For more info log onto FunctionalYogaOnline.com. Registration opens Oct 5th, 2015 on RamDass.org/zooming. This will be a course in honor of Katrina’s teacher, Ram Dass and Maharaji (Neem Karoli Baba), with suggested donations. Serious seekers only please. Join the past ZITL students at Facebook.com/Functionalyoga. Registering is a process to make this personal for each attendee. We imagine these spots will go fast so mark in your calendars Oct 5th to register. Youtube videos will be released soon with behind the scene footage of ZITL! Sign up to receive alerts at FYO.com or FB. Thank you to Ian Hatton from Mixforpix.com for editing and music of this podcast; engineer, score writer, producer, guitar player, composer of a #1 hit – we are truly blessed for his time on our little practice endeavor. And most grateful for you. Namaste everybody!

For show ideas, topics or questions write to ZITL@gmail.com
Instagram - follow us for updates on everything!
Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.15 "lets get small, average, and great"

Ep.9 “Using Ritual as Practice”

The girls get into a discussion about using rituals as practice in our daily lives. What IS the big hang up of some about rituals anyway? In todays world, the word “rituals” may conjure up thoughts of religion, a cult, or descriptions like hippie dippy. But rituals are already used in cultures big and small! Check out athletes for example…before a game most report they have to make time for their good luck ritual; performers and artists have their rituals before a show, writing or painting – so when looking at everyday daily life as practice, we can zoom in the lens to uncover how “habits” can be looked at as rituals without consciousness. Add consciousness to the habit, stir gentle… and rituals can bring many things to our personal practice table. Things like discipline, individual expression, and checking “in” with ourselves more then checking “out”. As Timothy Leary once said “Turn on, tune in, drop out”. Always with love and intentions to expand…thank you for tuning in to ZITL Podcast.

www.FunctionalYogaOnline.com for more info on the new online course presented by Ram Dass (ramdass.org/zooming)and Katrina Chester – online community with guidence for the practice of waking up in daily life. Personalized for each participant within a specific like-minded group allowing each person the experience of a one-to-one practice within a small, hand selected group.

Music & editing for Zooming in the Lens Podcast is written and provided by Ian Hatton- www.mixforpics.com

Hosts: Sass Jordan and Katrina Chester (www.facebook.com/functionalyoga)


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.9 "Using Ritual as Practice"

Like sports, athletes, and… tao?

Mindfulness seems like a pop phrase these days. Yet, it is great when you hear bits of the Buddha coming from the world of sports. I am anxious to hear what Kobe has to say tonight on Showtime for this documentary airing. Does anyone know if Phil Jackson has rubbed off on him?

Zenster coach,  Phil Jackson proved that  breath practice & athletes work. Jackson has more rings that anyone I hear. Speaking of coaches, I found myself quoting John Wooden, coach for UCLA B-ball, with students of mine who are sports fans. Practicing an eastern concept using the example of  Wooden’s approach, is kind of mind-blowing at times. I like his (forgive me if this is not word-for-word) “… to address the whole person and not just the athlete”. That sort of reminds me of the Carl Jung- collective consciousness, in a way.

There is also another coach who sounds like he is bringing a little eastern philosophy to competitive sports – Red Wings coach, Mike Babcock. Babcock is teaching his players to approach each play as a moment- ‘THE’ moment. Then when the next moment arrives, take on just THAT moment, and so on. Until every moment is seamlessly strung together without having the mind dip into the future along with it. Prescence. Focus. Mindfulness. Being In the now (Ram Dass- you know I have to throw him in there too).

Im under no illusion that competitive sports would or should adopt the teaching…”he who see’s inaction as action, and action in inaction” (ch.4, Bhagavad Gita-Hindu scripture). Plus, most who love, and play sports, might say that takes the ‘G’ from game adding an ‘L’ for Lame if translated to mean no competition. Perhaps. I sure don’t claim to know.

What I am saying is that yogic principals are not as far out as some may think, and I am happy to see the integration by coaches. Below you can check out a few lines from a translation of the Chinese teachings ‘tao te ching’, that mention athletes particularly. For us to start, its not so much about thinking ‘I’ll be in the now’ – as much as it is practicing arriving in the moment with any current action we take in a day. Once you get out there (life, court, field, rink)… try out what Babock said above. Meet every moment, then meet the next as it arrives.

Love to hear any thoughts from those who watch the Kobe Doc tonight!

-tao the ching ….A good athlete can enter a state of body awareness in which the right stroke or the right movement happens by itself, effortlessly, without any interference of the conscious will. This is a paradigm for non-action: the purest and most effective form of action. The game plays the game; the poem writes the poem; we can’t tell the dancer from the dance.

“Less and less do you need to force things,

until finally you arrive at non-action.

When nothing is done,

nothing is left un-done.” -Tao Te Ching, Lao tzu (551-479 B.C.E.)

Nothing is done because the doer has wholeheartedly vanished into the deed; the fuel has been completely transformed into the flame. This “nothing” is, in fact, everything. In the same way that an athlete or a dancer trusts the superior intelligence of the body…”

– Translation by Stephen Mitchell