Tag Archives: rituals

Ep.9 “Using Ritual as Practice”

The girls get into a discussion about using rituals as practice in our daily lives. What IS the big hang up of some about rituals anyway? In todays world, the word “rituals” may conjure up thoughts of religion, a cult, or descriptions like hippie dippy. But rituals are already used in cultures big and small! Check out athletes for example…before a game most report they have to make time for their good luck ritual; performers and artists have their rituals before a show, writing or painting – so when looking at everyday daily life as practice, we can zoom in the lens to uncover how “habits” can be looked at as rituals without consciousness. Add consciousness to the habit, stir gentle… and rituals can bring many things to our personal practice table. Things like discipline, individual expression, and checking “in” with ourselves more then checking “out”. As Timothy Leary once said “Turn on, tune in, drop out”. Always with love and intentions to expand…thank you for tuning in to ZITL Podcast.

www.FunctionalYogaOnline.com for more info on the new online course presented by Ram Dass (ramdass.org/zooming)and Katrina Chester – online community with guidence for the practice of waking up in daily life. Personalized for each participant within a specific like-minded group allowing each person the experience of a one-to-one practice within a small, hand selected group.

Music & editing for Zooming in the Lens Podcast is written and provided by Ian Hatton- www.mixforpics.com

Hosts: Sass Jordan and Katrina Chester (www.facebook.com/functionalyoga)


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.9 "Using Ritual as Practice"