Tag Archives: tommy stewart

referenced links from Podcast, Ep. 30!

The man quoted on “Role of Man” from Zooming in the Lens Podcast episode #30 is Mr. Robert Bly! He is an incredible poet, speaker, storyteller, mythologist, and philosopher that effected change for men in many ways with talks like the one below. I am happy to introduce him to some, and reconnect his wisdom, for others. Michael Meade is a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology. He combines hypnotic storytelling, street-savvy perceptiveness, and spellbinding interpretations of ancient myths with a deep knowledge of cross-cultural rituals. For more info on Michael Meade – MM. Very thankful these two men got together and graced us with such important interpretations and to me, directions for how to help ourselves and the culture.

The below video is 1 of 6 videos and all are available on youtube – we are VERY lucky this is the case. Part 2 was referenced as well. Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy!

On Being A Man Pt.1-6 (1989) Robert Bly Michael Meade – YouTube Video –  9:03

On Being A Man Pt. 2-6 (1989) Robert Bly and Michael Meade-YouTube Video – 10:58  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcJqMuzsmw8

Ep.12 – Late night Yoga -Special Guests!

One late night in southern California, 4 close friends grabbed a mic and hit record. Three of these friends toured together for many years as musicians in rock and roll traveling the world. Four of them are yogis, questioners of reality and hold dear the belief in not taking yourself or life too seriously. Why is this being published? Because the yoga of real life is lived in the spaces, in the times where maybe we’re not ‘ready’- vulnerable perhaps but real. In honor of their practice these four talk of their experience in the music industry, creativity, Ashtanga, being scared, favorite quotes, guru’s and much more. If we all wait for a yogi to appear, we miss the ‘late-night’ magic of the yoga that’s already here. With loving grace, Zooming in the Lens is happy to welcome Tommy Stewart, Pete Murrey, Rina Murrey and Katrina Chester. Thank you to dear friends for being willing to let us practice on-mic.  Jai Jai!!

Music and editing by Ian Hatton at www.mixforpix.com; For more info on the online course presented by Ram Dass and Katrina Chester go to www.functionalyogaonline.com; to sign up-www.ramdass.org/zoom

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.12 - Late night Yoga -Special Guests!