Tag Archives: ZITL

referenced links from Podcast, Ep. 30!

The man quoted on “Role of Man” from Zooming in the Lens Podcast episode #30 is Mr. Robert Bly! He is an incredible poet, speaker, storyteller, mythologist, and philosopher that effected change for men in many ways with talks like the one below. I am happy to introduce him to some, and reconnect his wisdom, for others. Michael Meade is a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology. He combines hypnotic storytelling, street-savvy perceptiveness, and spellbinding interpretations of ancient myths with a deep knowledge of cross-cultural rituals. For more info on Michael Meade – MM. Very thankful these two men got together and graced us with such important interpretations and to me, directions for how to help ourselves and the culture.

The below video is 1 of 6 videos and all are available on youtube – we are VERY lucky this is the case. Part 2 was referenced as well. Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy!

On Being A Man Pt.1-6 (1989) Robert Bly Michael Meade – YouTube Video –  9:03

On Being A Man Pt. 2-6 (1989) Robert Bly and Michael Meade-YouTube Video – 10:58  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcJqMuzsmw8

Quotes from ZITL Podcast Ep. 21

A few have asked that we post up the quotes from our Thanksgiving special podcast Ep. 21 “Thanksgiving with no agenda” special episode for the holidays. Here ya go!

  • “Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” – Rumi
  • “If you don’t get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don’t want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can’t hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is law and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.” – Socrates (469-399 BCE 5th Century)
  • On Balance – “In Fact emotional states are not something that happen to us, rather we create them based on how we view the world” Karen Hastings, Phd.
  • Cultivating the witness – or the observer….Truly see there is a difference from OBSERVER (witness) from that which is being OBSERVED (ego-mind, incarnation)
  • “Whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good an evil.” – Nietzche (Right or Wrong)
  • Click here to listen to this episode on Itunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ep.-21-thanksgiving-no-agenda/id974484840?i=357824420&mt=2
  • Satsang Meme

Ep.14 – That “Don’t-know mind” Part 1- Love

The unproven, unexplainable, and indescribable series. Part 1 – LOVE

What is the don’t-know mind, also known as the beginners mind? Why would I want to NOT know something? An important element in growing emotionally and spiritually is curiosity-like when we were children!  That drive diminishes when we think we know-it-all. And, even if you did – know-it-all – ancient spiritual traditions share that the drive to tell everybody diminishes as well – unless asked. Rena Joy and Cara Evans join Katrina for to discuss… the cultural norm valuing knowledge, titles, degree’s, scientific studies, and as a participant, Katrina shares her personal importance in practising balance so knowledge doesn’t substitute our own personal experience. Culturally in this age, we want to PROVE everything, yet many things in the human experience are unexplainable. In many way’s love is indescribable, maybe even unproven. Rena and Cara share some other cultural views on love,  as well as an astrological (another unproven technique) tool everyone can use! Thank you for subscribing to Zooming in the Lens Podcast! This is a juicy one!

Special guest links: Rena Joy – for more info on Rena, Cara Evans – Zitlcourse@gmail.com

To request a show topic or for questions, email Olivia for Katrina at Zitlcourse@gmail.com For information about a course in practical tools given by Katrina, hosted by Ram Dass, click here. For Katrina and Functional Yoga-click here (the blog on this site is where you will find the studies cited and the poetry read during this podcast)

Music and editing by Ian Hatton – click here for more info

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.14 - That "Don't-know mind" Part 1- Love

Ep.10 – The (swiss) exploration

Self-exploration and exploration takes curiosity. What are some things we would be missing out on in life if curiosity didn’t ignite exploration? How do you explore in a healthy & spiritual way? The girls chat about some funny explorations and many other things in Podcast #10 – The swiss exploration! Don’t forget to listen to the end…Thanks for tuning in  and please send topic ideas and questions to zitlcourse@gmail.com. For information about joining a new online course presented by Ram Dass and Katrina Chester of functional yoga go to: RamDass.org/zooming “Zooming in the Lens” online course

For more info: www.functionalyogaonline.com and www.facebook.com/functionalyoga / Music and editing by: Ian Hatton – www.micsforpix.com / Hosts: Sass Jordan and Katrina Chester

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.10 - The (swiss) exploration

Ep.9 “Using Ritual as Practice”

The girls get into a discussion about using rituals as practice in our daily lives. What IS the big hang up of some about rituals anyway? In todays world, the word “rituals” may conjure up thoughts of religion, a cult, or descriptions like hippie dippy. But rituals are already used in cultures big and small! Check out athletes for example…before a game most report they have to make time for their good luck ritual; performers and artists have their rituals before a show, writing or painting – so when looking at everyday daily life as practice, we can zoom in the lens to uncover how “habits” can be looked at as rituals without consciousness. Add consciousness to the habit, stir gentle… and rituals can bring many things to our personal practice table. Things like discipline, individual expression, and checking “in” with ourselves more then checking “out”. As Timothy Leary once said “Turn on, tune in, drop out”. Always with love and intentions to expand…thank you for tuning in to ZITL Podcast.

www.FunctionalYogaOnline.com for more info on the new online course presented by Ram Dass (ramdass.org/zooming)and Katrina Chester – online community with guidence for the practice of waking up in daily life. Personalized for each participant within a specific like-minded group allowing each person the experience of a one-to-one practice within a small, hand selected group.

Music & editing for Zooming in the Lens Podcast is written and provided by Ian Hatton- www.mixforpics.com

Hosts: Sass Jordan and Katrina Chester (www.facebook.com/functionalyoga)


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.9 "Using Ritual as Practice"

Ep.8 “Demonics of life”

Meet Joseph Campbell, who starts the girls off today. For those who don’t know Joseph, he is a powerful, very knowledgable mythologist and philosopher. The title of this episode comes from this audio explanation your about to hear for where the root of the word “demon” comes from. It will blow your mind! Sass and Katrina naturally flow from there in the usefulness of different interpretations in our daily life & practice, moving into what “holding space” for ourself and others means. Within what we think is the search of who and what we are; the deeper connection begins. We are mostly taught to reach outward to seek; that begins an unfolding too, revealing that it has been an “inside job” all along. What if there is no “right or wrong”? Wouldn’t it be powerful if other peoples negative opinions of us could be interpreted in a way to serve us? Make sure you stay tuned till the end – no cure like the cure of laughter 😉 And join the conversation by submitting your thoughts on our blog or via ZITLCourse@gmail.com, or on Facebook! We would love to hear from you with topic suggestions. Hope you enjoy this episode and thank you for supporting us!

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep.8 "Demonics of life"

Ep. 7 “married to the mind”

Sit in on the juicy talks into our unknown commitment when not questioning our monkey-mind. We may not even notice our thoughts or the results that may bring to us, personally. Listening to the mind without questioning with awareness and self inquiry, brings up dynamic conversation into personal responsibility, the benefits to cultivating back our imagination, play, and living presently v living from memories informing our present-mind. Join the girls for their personal tools used to investigate a loving and amicable…separation to the mind – or as, creating “space” within the mind. Apologies for Katrina sounding like “the voice of God” in this episode, which is due to a recording issue known as “not shutting off the reverb!” One of these days they will record a flawless sounding episode for Ian to edit but until then, thank you for your patience – “this isn’t easy stuff to navigate through ;)”

Hosts: Katrina Chester & Sass Jordan www.functionalyogaonline.com, www.facebook.com/katrinachester, …com/functionalyoga/ Online course: www.ramdass.org/zooming

Music and editing: Ian Hatton – www.mixforpix.com


Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep. 7 "married to the mind"

Ep. 3 “Breathe into your big toe?”

Ep. 3 – Sass and Katrina share their stories and insights into some of the esoteric language they encountered when dipping into a western spiritual practice. Depending on where we come from of course, sometimes the language alone can feel like a shut-off valve for acceptance and understandings we may otherwise get. In the end, maybe sharing the humor of our differences can open up pathways in ourselves to encourage translations personal for each of us. Apologies for the occastional sound shift on Sass’ mic-we are aware.

Zooming in the Lens
Zooming in the Lens
Ep. 3 "Breathe into your big toe?"