Ep. 26 – Part 2 “Because Love shouldn’t have Red Tape” with guest, Hank Fortener

Hank is not your average Pastor. In these episodes, many topics are sparked which at the core can inspire us to widen our lens by looking underneath what we think we know, and who we think we and others are. The growing popular term “spiritual but not religious” is a clue of imbalance and our separation. With direct experience & opening to alternative perspectives, personally and collectively, change can occur. It takes enormous energy to push beliefs and agendas. By sharing and learning from one another, energy springs free to create inner-vision – an ability to interpret belief as a taste of what something is like, rather than what it is. Symbols and metaphors come alive; deeper meanings become a golden thread of intention. “Being stuck” in belief is a human problem, not a soul problem. ZITL comes together for all the spiritual and religious minded, for discoveries that can open us to learn from one another. Practicing awareness and personal responsibility is a vehicle for change.

We are honored Hank joined us for this hang! See the huge efforts of service and change Hank and his family have created by going to www.AdoptTogether.org, And don’t forget to learn more about how YOU can participate in World Adoption Day on Nov. 9th! 

Katrina Chester can be found on www.FunctionalYogaOnline.com and www.Facebook.com/FunctionalYoga Thank you to Ian Hatton from Mixforpix.com for editing and music / Want to practice with Katrina & a small online group made FOR you? Sign up to be alerted of the next ZITL Online course @ FunctionalYogaOnline.com/online-course/

Katrina states…

“I tell Hank he is helping relate faith for today’s world. It is an opportunity to release fear, for the ‘spiritual-minded but not religious’ as well as the religious. A release from the need to villainize one another which perpetuates that “us and them” syndrome – fueling our separation. Hank brings new & updated light to scriptures by presenting us with an almost God 2.0 approach without loosing the ancient nectar. For many of us in this world, there is an almost desperation for balance within family, friends, career, and for those caught in survival mode. So, providing dialogue without bullshit or pretense, without eluding that anyone should shoot for perfection in life, feels very paramount for our personal cultivation towards curiosity to learn from each other – regardless of individual roles and models or right or wrong. What interpretations do we miss just from a lack of curiosity? How did we get so literal?” Join Katrina with guest Hank Fortener in Episode 25 of Zooming in the Lens Podcast on Itunes!

Please support ADOPTTOGETHER.ORG who is helping connect babies & children, with families that may not be able to afford it. You can find Hank at www.HankFortener.com, Typically Hazardous with Hank PODCAST at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/typically-hazardous-w.-hank/id1052922862?mt=2 

Referenced and recommended -ZITL Podcast Ep.25 extra links

Because Love shouldn’t have red tape….with guest, Hank Fortener:

  • Hanks recommendation: Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear”
  • Katrina’s recommendation: Podcast Episode on Soundstrue.com – Interview with Thomas Moore – Thomas Moore has been a monk, a university professor, and a psychotherapist. “I like to quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, who said that each religion has a membership of one. I think he meant that even if you’re part of a community, you have your own interpretations and accents in practice, and that is as it should be. You need a mixture of tradition and individual inspiration. You have to use your own intelligence.”
    As Thomas Moore said, I will say to you listening to these Podcasts… “I hope these reflections encourage you to dig deeper into the spiritual traditions and trust your own inspirations.”

Article: “Tasks that seem mundane, or even difficult, can bring a sense of meaning over time.” Most of us tend to chase happiness instead.
http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-happy-life-may-not-be-a-meaningful-life/ Psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl once wrote, “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.” …”Feeling happy was strongly correlated with seeing life as easy, pleasant, and free from difficult or troubling events. Happiness was also correlated with being in good health and generally feeling well most of the time. However, none of these things were correlated with a greater sense of meaning. Feeling good most of the time might help us feel happier, but it doesn’t necessarily bring a sense of purpose to our lives…”

Spiritual but not religious – Blog By Linda Mercadante, Ph.D.
-Linda Mercadante is the B. Robert Straker Professor of Historical Theology at The Methodist Theological School in Ohio and is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). She is the author of Belief without Borders: Inside the Minds of the Spiritual but not Religious. for the full article- http://blog.oup.com/2014/03/spiritual-but-not-religious-sbnr-types-traps/



Ep. 25 – “Because Love shouldn’t have Red Tape” with guest, Hank Fortener – Part 1

Hank Fortener TedX, Adopttogether.orgWorld Adoption Day-Nov 9, Christian Pastor,   joins Katrina for an open, organic chat. But Hank is not your average Pastor. He captures even the non-religious when he shares from his inspiring & up-to-date lens, as you may simultaneously find yourself wanting to share a beer with the guy. Katrina and Hank share in their desire to create talking & living experiences on topics of spirituality, religion, ancient wisdom and texts, not clouded by dogma or pushing it away – instead rooted in the art of discovery and sharing, as they are always learning and practicing, too.

In Part-One, Hank shares some stories which inspired the creation of Adopttogether.org ~ the first crowdfunding site for adoption. Katrina and Hank  discuss relationships/marriage, religion and spirit, the importance of personal values (inspiration), and how doing good doesn’t always feel good during. These episodes spark many topics, which at the core, can inspire to widen the lens of practice by also looking underneath what we think we know.

We are so happy to be able to air these talks and are honored Hank gave us his time. Please follow these hyperlinks for more information on Hank; upcoming book; recorded talks including a Ted TV-www.HankFortener.com- Hanks podcast on Itunes: typically-hazardous-w.-hank  if you are in Los Angeles – attend his live podcast recording events! For more information on Adoption, I encourage you to go to Adopt Together.org, And don’t forget to learn more on how YOU can participate in World Adoption Day on Nov. 9th!  Stay tuned for Part-Two coming soon! Subscribe to ZITL Podcast to be alerted! Katrina Chester can be found on www.FunctionalYogaOnline.com and www.Facebook.com/FunctionalYoga – Thank you to Ian Hatton from Mixforpix.com for editing and music

Ep. 24 – Part 2, Spacesuit adjustments with Katrina Chester & Bryan Clark

Join Katrina and her guest Bryan Clark (MA, Mindset Coach and Client Experience Expert for Conscious Entrepreneurs) for PART 2 of their candid talk on the struggles of life as we adjust our spacesuits which culture, family, friends, peers, and beliefs systems rely on. Our mind says we are different but our souls have no differences. The mind reports how alone we are, how separate, yet the soul is never alone or lonely, even in a crowded room. Bryan shares his experiences growing up in religion, coming out as a gay teenager, family reactions, his reactions, and how they fed into adulthood personally and professionally. For Part 2, Bryan shares how this actually lead him to the deep inspiration and his life’s work as a practitioner of inquiry, spirituality and his success helping others. Listen to the end where he recommends further material and how to personally work with him one-on-one or within a group online (next one April 2016). It’s a lot easier than you think, no matter where in the world you are. We are honored to share space with Bryan! Hearing other people’s stories is a deep practice allowing us all to see ourselves, even when their story may seem so far from ours. Thank you for listening while we practice and share with you. Please share this link Zooming in the Lens Podcast (Bit.1y/ZITLPodcast) with friends that may dig it!  ram ram

spacesuit defined: Video, Ram Dasshttps://www.ramdass.org/ram-dass-spacesuit/

Note: This podcast was recorded in Dec. 2015 and released in March 2016. Notes changes in the intro dialog, please. Ending lecture is public license youtube audio from an Oprah Winfrey TV episode

For more information on Bryan: “Get FREE Resources to Awaken and Inspire Your Unique Brilliance!”: www.ClientClarity.com/GetClarity

Katrina and “Zooming in the Lens online course” can be found at FunctionalYogaOnline.com and Facebook.com/functionalyoga

Music and editing by Ian Hatton at mixforpix.com

Ep. 23 – Spacesuit adjustments with Katrina Chester & Bryan Clark (Part 1)

Spacesuit = Our roles and models in life, our external bodies, our personalities, who we think we are. “When I, like you, was born I donned a space suit for living on this planet, it was this body, this is my space suit, and it had a steering mechanism which is my pre-frontal lobe and all the brain that helps with coordinating and stuff…and we learn how to grab things and lift things…you get rewarded when you learn how to use your spacesuit. And you get really good at it. You get so good at it that you can’t differentiate yourself from your spacesuit anymore… and you’re constantly looking into other people’s eyes to find out if you’re really wearing a nice spacesuit…” Ram Dass (https://www.ramdass.org/ram-dass-spacesuit/)

Join Katrina and guest Bryan Clark (MA, Mindset Coach and Client Experience Expert for Conscious Entrepreneurs) in a candid talk about the struggles in life as we adjust our spacesuits that culture, family, friends, peers, and beliefs systems rely on. Our mind says we are different but our souls have no differences. It reports how alone we are, yet the soul is never lonely, even in a crowded room. Bryan shares his experiences growing up in religion, coming out as a gay teenager, family reactions and his own, and how reactions fed into adulthood personally and professionally. He shares this and more in a two-part episode leading to his deep inspiration and life’s work as a practitioner of inquiry, spirituality and his success helping others. In Bryan’s words “IGNITE Your Passion – SHINE your Unique Brilliance – LEAD with Love!” We are honored to share space with Bryan!

Note: This podcast was recorded in Dec. 2015 and released in March 2016. Notes changes in the intro dialog, please. Ending lecture is public license youtube audio from an Oprah Winfrey TV episode

Get FREE Resources to Awaken and Inspire Your Unique Brilliance! with Bryan Clark:

Katrina and “Zooming in the Lens online course” can be found at FunctionalYogaOnline.com and Facebook.com/functionalyoga

Music and editing by Ian Hatton at mixforpix.com

Ep 22 links of references used on Podcast

  • 10 Unique Parenting Styles From Around The World ( the first one is a 500-year-old practice/ritual in India that parents do for their children where they drop them from a height, safely landing below onto a blanket held up by others!
  • George Carlin clip used for the end of this episode starts at 8:16 on “specialness”
  • Links to articles referenced can all be found on: http://thefederalist.com/2015/11/23/helicopter-parenting-is-really-a-symptom-of-underparenting/
    “If millennials are ill-equipped to manage post-secondary and adult lives, then the fault must lie with an overabundance of parenting, experts say. An article published recently in Psychology Today cited helicopter parenting as part of a set of issues that contribute to an overly sensitive young adult population.”
    “Young adult oversensitivity is a marked shift in college culture. The author of “Declining Student Resilience: A Serious Problem for Colleges” relayed mounting concerns among college counselors, administrators, and professors over the emotional fragility of current college students. Students cannot handle failure, or even mediocre marks, they say. They rely on parent guidance and counseling more than any previous generation.”
    “A recent Washington Post article speaks more of the same. In the article, former Stanford Dean Julie Lythcott-Haims excoriates the negative impact of perpetually present parents who shelter their children from hardship and failure. She links depression and other mental health issues to this trending type of over-parenting.”
  • Pre-1960s Parenting Vs. Parenting Today by John K. Rosemond on May 1, 2015 – “We knew who was running the household, and it wasn’t us!” johnrosemond.com, parentguru.com. *About the Author: Rosemond has written nine best-selling parenting books and is one of America’s busiest and most popular speakers, known for his sound advice, humor and easy, relaxed, engaging style. In the past few years, John has appeared on numerous national television programs including 20/20, Good Morning America, The View, Bill Maher’s Politically Incorrect, Public Eye, The Today Show, CNN, and CBS Later Today.

Ep. 22 “If you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your parents.” (Ram Dass) inspiring- “Parenting then and now” (and you do not have to be a parent or have one!)

“You never know the right way…life just goes on, click, click, click…you need a backup system, otherwise your just like a jellyfish floating around…” – Jan Chester.
I have never responded to anyone more with the word “right” than in this podcast, ha! Why? The guest is my mother. What topic did she pick? “Parenting then and now.” She doesn’t know I would have agreed to the topic of “Tupperware” to receive this experience with her. She is not a spiritual person, not physically well nor accepting aging, and is dealing with severe memory loss. A perfect self-practice. Some of what she says I’ve never even heard before! I love her dearly, and am really honored she was up for doing this. Shifting perceptions within family, witnessing their and your own roles and models, is wild practice! So, what would YOU experience if you shifted perception with someone in your family and engaged in a very different kind of ‘get to know’ during these holidays?
Doing this podcast with my mother shows me how self-awareness must grow individually, with understanding and compassion for our parents/family. If we want to see clearly into our personal responsibility and freedom from our roles and models. I am thankful and grateful to my mother for allowing me to show up in and out of the role of “daughter”, to experience her as “soul” and not just “mom”. Scary shit, lol.

“Individually, every grain of sand brushing against my hands represents a story, an experience, and a block for me to build upon for the next generation.” – Raquel Cepeda, Bird of Paradise: How I Became Latina
“The aging of our parents provides a perfect opportunity to seek wisdom and maturity in our own approach to life. The effort we put into our learning about our relationship with our parents will give us strength and insight for the years to come.” -Jerry Waxler, M.S.
⁃ Cool Article – http://tinybuddha.com/blog/secret-to-getting-along-with-your-parents/
⁃ Book recommendation: One Soul, One Love, One Heart: The Sacred Path to Healing All Relationships – By John E. Welshons, Ram Dass
⁃ Look for audio by Ram Dass (sorry, don’t have a link or title) regarding “Parenting”. Check out the Blog section of FunctionalYogaOnline.com for the references used within this podcast! 

*Zooming in the Lens online course” – Skype online course with 5-10 hand-picked people from all over the world. For more info log onto FunctionalYogaOnline.com and RamDass.org/zooming. This course is in honor of Katrina’s teacher, Ram Dass, and Maharaji (Neem Karoli Baba). *Join the past ZITL students at Facebook.com/Functionalyoga.
*Music and editing for ZITL Podcast by Ian Hatton from www.ianhatton.com
*For show ideas, topics or questions write to ZITL@gmail.com

Quotes from ZITL Podcast Ep. 21

A few have asked that we post up the quotes from our Thanksgiving special podcast Ep. 21 “Thanksgiving with no agenda” special episode for the holidays. Here ya go!

  • “Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” – Rumi
  • “If you don’t get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don’t want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can’t hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is law and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.” – Socrates (469-399 BCE 5th Century)
  • On Balance – “In Fact emotional states are not something that happen to us, rather we create them based on how we view the world” Karen Hastings, Phd.
  • Cultivating the witness – or the observer….Truly see there is a difference from OBSERVER (witness) from that which is being OBSERVED (ego-mind, incarnation)
  • “Whatever is done for love always occurs beyond good an evil.” – Nietzche (Right or Wrong)
  • Click here to listen to this episode on Itunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ep.-21-thanksgiving-no-agenda/id974484840?i=357824420&mt=2
  • Satsang Meme

Ep. 21 “Thanksgiving with no agenda” special episode

Ep. 21 “Thanksgiving with no agenda” special episode for the holidays

Cara Evans and Katrina Chester have a free form talk with no agenda. What came out are survival skills & tools for the holidays when being with family and friends trigger us. Two friends using a podcast as their spiritual practice, shifting perceptions, using awareness, sharing their suffering and grace. Happy holidays everyone…THE best & hardest material in practice 😯 Listen to the end so you can hear Reggie Ray (Buddhist teacher) giving you a tool for the holidays too!

ZITL Podcast is grateful for
Ram Dass and Maharaji – Neem Karoli Baba
All of you spiritual seekers arriving so open and curious, who understand ZITL has no agenda or financial gain within all it takes to put this podcast together. The gain is in being vulnerable to take on a practice of putting yourself out there on a podcast, going into the scary parts the mind is taught to avoid. May that inspire others to let go of waiting to be perfect. There is a hole in western spiritual practice – everyone seems to appear “knowing” and through that lens we dig ourselves deeper into procrastination. “If dialog existed in my early practice days, like this, I would have had more awareness of what I put into my head and that it only has to come out. Yoga is a shedding, not a taking on of more and more. We entertain the mind with the hopes of softening the defenses we have built up against being in the now, being love. I am thankful for those receiving ZITL as just that because its a good start in all of us receiving ourselves and others that way too. ” Katrina Chester
• Ian Hatton ( www.ianhatton.com) who provides all the music and editing for ZITL
For more information…
ZITL Course: Skype online course with 5-10 hand-picked people from all over the world. See  FunctionalYogaOnline.com and RamDass.org/zooming
*For show ideas, topics or questions write to ZITL@gmail.com

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